Quan vaig comprar per primera vegada un disc de Stars Of The Lid, vaig tenir un impacte que marcaria el meu esdevenir: música atonal en constant circulació, transcorrent en forma d'ones sinusoidals perfectes i que van transformant-se i variant igual que els colors refractats que prenen les gotes d'aigua al veure's atravessades per rajos de llum. Pensava que no podia ser que aquella música existís. Gran debacle personal: des d'aquell moment he viscut en aquest món de drones infinits i he degustat (en disc i en directe) de la bellesa més espatarrant fins a la distorsió més terrorífica de soroll desbocat. Si amics, això és la cultura drone.
Doncs quan ja tens una mica d'experiència en aquest món de ritmes eterns, pots comprovar a la primera de canvi que el disc Location Momentum (Touch/2010) de ELEH és una absoluta obra mestra. Es podria definir de mil maneres diferents, però totes anirien encarades a ressaltar els aspectes positius del drone que ja no té secret per a nosaltres. Però és necessari un pas més enllà en el món del drone de cadència profunda. I aquest pas no és res més que aquest immens Location Momentum, que no és tan allò que expressa sinó allò que conté.
Us deixo com a referència la ressenya que ha fet la gent del pelícan especialista, perquè penso que descriuen les cançons de la millor forma possible, recollint aquest pas endavant que us comento i que representa el nou disc d'aquest misteriós col·lectiu:
<<'Location Momentum' is the first time Eleh's music has become available on a digital format, giving Touch the honour of releasing five long, deeply immersive tracks. The patient deveopment and concentration of resonant acoustic phenomenae on the 20 minute opener 'Heleneleh' leaves us breathing slowly and feeling as though our atoms are about to disintegrate like a sandsculpture built on a bassbin. The overlapping drones hit critical frequencies, creating tactile synaesthetic sensations akin to some religious/narcotic experience. The cathedral-set reverbs of 'Circle One' further enhance the worship/trip, something we recommend experiencing on a good set of speakers as opposed to headphone for maximum effect (apparently you're supposed to be 7 feet away from the sound source), putting us into a drowsy, maleable state, but still acutely aware of an immense and insistent presence in control of our senses. By the time you're onto slow subduction of 'Observation Wheel' expect blurred vision and possibly speaking in tongues as par for the course. Finally we're left open mouthed and drooling at the measured and ultra-precise control of 'Rotational Change For Windmill', gradually lowering the pure, unadorned bass tones into a vacuum of abyssal nether regions, enveloping all other tones until we're in the presence of a mass of tangible air movements, at one with a properly arcane vibe. If the music of Eliane Radigue, La Monte Young or Kevin Drumm has affected your life, this album comes very highly recommended. *WARNING* Do not listen to this album while using heavy machinery or operating a vehicle!>>
Doncs quan ja tens una mica d'experiència en aquest món de ritmes eterns, pots comprovar a la primera de canvi que el disc Location Momentum (Touch/2010) de ELEH és una absoluta obra mestra. Es podria definir de mil maneres diferents, però totes anirien encarades a ressaltar els aspectes positius del drone que ja no té secret per a nosaltres. Però és necessari un pas més enllà en el món del drone de cadència profunda. I aquest pas no és res més que aquest immens Location Momentum, que no és tan allò que expressa sinó allò que conté.
Us deixo com a referència la ressenya que ha fet la gent del pelícan especialista, perquè penso que descriuen les cançons de la millor forma possible, recollint aquest pas endavant que us comento i que representa el nou disc d'aquest misteriós col·lectiu:
<<'Location Momentum' is the first time Eleh's music has become available on a digital format, giving Touch the honour of releasing five long, deeply immersive tracks. The patient deveopment and concentration of resonant acoustic phenomenae on the 20 minute opener 'Heleneleh' leaves us breathing slowly and feeling as though our atoms are about to disintegrate like a sandsculpture built on a bassbin. The overlapping drones hit critical frequencies, creating tactile synaesthetic sensations akin to some religious/narcotic experience. The cathedral-set reverbs of 'Circle One' further enhance the worship/trip, something we recommend experiencing on a good set of speakers as opposed to headphone for maximum effect (apparently you're supposed to be 7 feet away from the sound source), putting us into a drowsy, maleable state, but still acutely aware of an immense and insistent presence in control of our senses. By the time you're onto slow subduction of 'Observation Wheel' expect blurred vision and possibly speaking in tongues as par for the course. Finally we're left open mouthed and drooling at the measured and ultra-precise control of 'Rotational Change For Windmill', gradually lowering the pure, unadorned bass tones into a vacuum of abyssal nether regions, enveloping all other tones until we're in the presence of a mass of tangible air movements, at one with a properly arcane vibe. If the music of Eliane Radigue, La Monte Young or Kevin Drumm has affected your life, this album comes very highly recommended. *WARNING* Do not listen to this album while using heavy machinery or operating a vehicle!>>
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